Clean Water Action Clean Water Action

Governor Murphy needs to stop all pending fossil fuel projects from being built!

Air pollution from smoke stacks in New Jersey

UN Photo/John Isaac | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 | Flickr

In contradiction to Governor Murphy’s stated goal of 100% clean energy by 2050, and his executive order to cut state emissions 50% by 2030, New Jersey’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have potentially increased 19% during the governor’s first term. This is due to the six major fossil fuel expansion projects approved under his watch. What’s worse, emissions could still increase an additional 38% mostly in the next few years if the seven additional pending fossil fuel projects are approved and completed.

The continued release of greenhouse gasses will have grave consequences for our climate, public health, and the economy. The co-pollutants from fossil fuel projects will also disproportionately endanger low-income communities of color, while research shows that phasing out fossil fuels will deliver immediate public health improvements to historically overburdened communities and grow the economy with clean renewable energy.

Please write a letter to Governor Murphy today urging him to use his authority to stop all pending major fossil fuel projects from being built, and to direct all state agencies to provide written plans THIS YEAR, with interim benchmarks, resource (manpower and financial) plans, specific programs and enforceable rules, that will lead to a 50% cut in climate pollution by 2030.

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