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Tell the Austin City Council and the Mayor - No New Fossil Fuel Plants!

Fayette Coal Plant, Austin Texas

Larry D. Moore | CC BY 4.0 | Wikimedia Commons

In September 2021, the City Council adopted the Austin Climate Equity Plan, including the bold and aggressive goal of equitably reaching net-zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 and emphasizing cutting carbon-emissions by 2030. We’re already severely behind on Austin’s climate plan, with Austin Energy responsible for nearly 1/3 of Austin’s emissions—the Fayette coal plant alone emits 77% of AE’s emissions and 1/4 of all city emissions. This means we need to catch up to get back on track, not build more fossil fuel plants.

  • The community wants and needs 100% clean energy as soon as possible—we need a carbon-free goal of 2030 if affordable, and 2035 at the latest.

  • We need to prioritize local solar and battery storage.

  • We need to help folks save energy in their homes and provide financial incentives to cut down their electricity usage.

  • Create pathways for participation in distributed energy management systems, like solar, storage, demand response and EV-charging

Please send your message to Austin City Council Members and Mayor today!

Once you've taken action, read the Austin Climate Equity Plan HERE!

Step 1: Your Contact Info