Clean Water Action Clean Water Action

Fighting for PFAS Free Products


For PITT PCV use only

Some of the products containing harmful PFAS chemicals: Cookware, Cosmetics, Dental Floss, Food Packaging, Kids' Products, Menstrual Products, Furniture, Water Resistant Clothing

Tell your legislators to protect consumers from harmful PFAS chemicals!

PFAS are a group of thousands of human-made toxic chemicals used for their ability to repel dirt, water, and grease. Exposure to PFAS chemicals have been linked to serious health problems. Clean Water Action is working to pass House Bill 2238 which prohibits the manufacturing or sale of certain products that contain intentionally added PFAS. Some of these are commonly used items like cookware, cosmetics, dental floss, food packaging, menstrual products, and products designed for babies or toddlers.

Email your legislator TODAY and urge them to protect consumers by supporting HB 2238.

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