Clean Water Action Clean Water Action

Let’s Clear the Air: Tell EPA to grant California’s Advanced Clean Fleet (ACF) Waiver Request

Manager with a digital tablet on the background of trucks. Fleet management.

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As important as warehouses and ports are in New Jersey’s freight and goods movement system, it is in desperate need of improvement. With every warehouse and port comes a high volume of diesel-powered truck fleets and equipment. The amount of harmful air pollution these operations create is disastrous for workers, port-adjacent, and already overburdened communities that are living and working close to these facilities. 

Adoption of policies like the Advanced Clean Fleet (ACF) Rule is essential to reducing air emissions and protecting vulnerable communities impacted the most by NJ’s freight and goods movement industry. 

Before ACF can be adopted in the Garden State, the US Environmental Protection /agency (EPA) must first grant California a waiver, or permission to adopt policies that are more protective than the federal Clean Air Act. If this waiver is granted, then it will allow other states, like New Jersey to adopt ACF as well.   

Take action today and let the EPA know how crucial approval of the California waiver and adoption of ACF rule will be - especially for the communities impacted the most by NJ’s freight and good movement system. The public comment period will be open until September 16 - tell the EPA to grant the ACF waiver to California ASAP!

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