Clean Water Action Clean Water Action

Make Frederick's compost pilot program permanent!

Image of compost

In 2022, the City of Frederick launched a pilot program with local company Key City Compost: all households whose trash is collected by the City government can sign up for food scrap collection by Key City Compost, at no cost to City residents.

Now, the pilot program period is coming to an end, and the City government is going to consider whether and how to continue the program permanently. Frederick residents, they need to hear from you!

On Wednesday 9/18 at 3PM, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen will hold a workshop at City Hall about the program's success and options for the future. Can you attend to speak up about the importance of continuing to compost in the City of Frederick? Please contact Jennifer Kunze, Maryland Organizing Director, at [email protected] if you want support!

Want to submit written comments in support of making the pilot program permanent? Fill in your information to the right, and on the next page, add information about:

  • Have you participated in the pilot program? What did you like about it?

  • Did you not participate in the pilot program? Would you like to if it is made permanent?

  • What improvements would you like to see?

  • How could the City expand or enhance its Zero Waste efforts?


Step 1: Your Contact Info